Deadlines for achieving EDGE certification in 2024

Published on: 
1 Aug 2024
Dror Karni
An aerial view of a city full of tall buildings.

Feature image: The EDGE-certified Kolkata West International City in Howrah West Bengal, India. Photo courtesy of IFC.

At GBCI, we know that some EDGE projects may have deadlines to achieve certification before the end of 2024, and we anticipate potential delays during the final months of the year if many projects submit for review at the same time. Further, the end of the year is a customary time for many of us to take time off, and GBCI offices will be closed Dec. 25, 2024, through Jan. 1, 2025. GBCI will reopen on Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025.

Remaining 2024 GBCI holidays

  • Monday, Sept. 2: Labor Day
  • Monday, Nov. 11: Veterans Day
  • Thursday, Nov. 28–Friday, Nov. 29: Thanksgiving
  • Wednesday, Dec. 25–Wednesday, Jan. 1: Winter Break

If your project must receive EDGE certification before the end of the year, please review the deadlines below and plan ahead.

2024 deadlines for EDGE certification

All project teams hoping to achieve preliminary or final EDGE certification before the end of the year should inform their EDGE Auditor and GBCI of their specific needs as early as possible. GBCI will make every effort to accommodate reasonable requests, as capacity allows.

EDGE project teams deadline: Oct. 25, 2024.

To ensure preliminary or final EDGE certification in 2024, pay your certification fees and submit your project to your EDGE Auditor by Oct. 25.

EDGE Auditors deadlines: Nov. 1 and Nov. 22, 2024.

To ensure preliminary or final EDGE certification in 2024, submit your initial audit comments to GBCI (if applicable) by Nov. 1 and final comments/recommendations by Nov. 22.

Some additional reminders and considerations:

  • All registration and certification fee payments must clear before GBCI begins a review of a project. We strongly recommend paying by credit card to avoid wire transfer delays.
  • The deadline dates above are based on standard review timelines and assume two rounds of review by the auditor and/or GBCI for preliminary or final EDGE certification.
  • The above deadline dates assume that project teams will provide clarifications to initial review comments within five business days of receiving them from their auditor. Further, the dates assume that after the auditor submits to GBCI for final review/recommendation, no additional documentation is necessary. Certification may be delayed if there are further clarifications needed from the project team or auditor after GBCI quality control.
  • A limited number of expedited reviews (half of the standard timeline) may be available, based on GBCI capacity. However, these cannot be guaranteed during the last few weeks of the year. Your best bet is to plan ahead and meet the deadline dates above—and you’ll also avoid extra fees! If you are planning to request an expedited review, please contact GBCI as soon as possible, and at a minimum of 15 business days prior to submitting your project for audit. If you're seeking an expedited review, an additional fee of $2,999 applies. For expedited reviews, auditors should plan to submit the final comments/recommendations to GBCI no later than Nov. 29 to achieve certification before the end of the year.

If you have any questions, please contact GBCI.

Reach out to the EDGE team